The DEFINITIVE Eagly from Peacemaker comics reading list

By Zack Quaintance — The HBO Max show Peacemaker feels like a breakout hit, at least in the online circles that I occupy. And within Peacemaker, there has also been a breakout character — Peacemaker’s pet eagle, Eagly. For fans of Eagly, the natural next question of course is, what Very Important comics site will rise up to give us the DEFINITVE Eagly from Peacemaker comics reading list? Well friend, you’re in luck — you have now found yourself reading that very website.

Strap in!

The Eagly from Peacemaker comics reading list

When conceiving of a Very Important guide to Eagly from Peacemaker’s comics appearance, there is (in my humble opinion) only one place to start — and that place is Eagly’s one (and to date only) appearance in a DC Comics comic. It just makes sense. That’s right, let’s start (and also mostly end) this list with Eagly’s first, latest, and for now only, appearance in print:

That’s really it, friends. Released Feb. 8, this year’s DC Comics Valentine’s Day anthology is the only place to get your Eagly-but-in-print fix. He makes his debut there, appearing in a Peacemaker story (naturally) titled Love of Country. Spanning 10 pages, that story is written by Rex Ogle with art by Geraldo Borges, colors by Nick Filardi, letters by Ferran Delgado, and edits by Katie Kubert. It’s a pretty standard hyper-violent Peacemaker affair, set in St. Louis (??) and also starring the Fearsome Five. But, obviously, the real star is Eagly, who appears in just two panels but dominates the vignette. See below…

It’s a strikingly in-character appearance, however, maintaining an almost rigid loyalty to the character as he is depicted in the Peacemaker television show. He is here, he is an eagle, and he seems to enjoy Peacemaker, like a dog might lovingly tolerate its owner. Wow, just really well done synergy all around.

It’s the type of incredible first appearance that no doubt lays the track for a long, healthy publication future for the character, too, perhaps leading to a prestige DC Comics Black Label maxiseries written by Tom King and illustrated by…um, I don’t know, let’s go with Cliff Chiang after he finishes his masterpiece, Catwoman: Lonely City. So yeah, look for Eagly: Soaring Skies in 2028, no doubt a medium redefining book where Eagly has to solve his own murder or something.

I’ve got goosebumps. Wow, send the Eisners to the team already please, we’re done here.

Read more Very Important Comics Bookcase Reading Lists!

Zack Quaintance is a tech reporter by day and freelance writer by night/weekend. He Tweets compulsively about storytelling and comics as Comics Bookcase.