Kickstarter Comics Tips: Weathering the Week 2 - 3 Lull

By Zack Quaintance — Everything you read about Kickstarter campaigns warns you — you’ll have a lot of pledges during your first week and a lot of pledges during you last week, but the middle two weeks of your campaign will be slow. Painfully slow, in fact. That said, like so much else within running your first Kickstarter campaign, there’s really no way to anticipate exactly how it will feel when it arrives. And friends? It’s rough.

The reason is that no matter how many people tell you to expect things to be slow, it’s hard not to take it as a failing of your own promotion and outreach, or (in the darkest moments) as a failing of your project itself. Why is this happening?, you will cry aloud alone. People were excited about our project! But that was during the halcyon times of three days ago. Now?! It’s all gone to #*!&!! Or something like that, one imagines (not that that’s exactly what I’ve been thinking for like 36 hours now).

This all brings me to today’s…

ACTIONABLE KICKSTARTER COMICS TIP: Instead of getting discouraged by the results of your campaign during the slower middle weeks, invest your energy into continuing to promote, with an eye toward the final three days of your campaign. This can take many forms, and obviously there is a psychological element to it that extends to things like not compulsively checking your page or comparing it to anyone else’s. But past that, you can use these slower middle weeks to reach out to podcasters, plan 3 steady social media updates a day, and gather promotional ideas, new content, and the other things you need to incentivize the final three day push, hopefully converting as many of your projects followers as you can.

I don’t want to spoil some of the things we have planned, but for our project that’s going to entail unveiling the logo for our the sticker associated with our first stretch goal (which we’re only $15 away from hitting as I type this!), continuing to make more YouTube and podcast appearances, writing this blog, and — fingers crossed! — finally finishing our long-coming promotional project video. So, stay tuned for all that from us, and best of luck turning your own week 2 - 3 slow down in productivity!

We’ve had a bit of a scheduling hiccup, so today’s interview is getting pushed to next week on this very blog. Can’t wait for that…

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Check out the rest of our Kickstarter Comics Tips blog!

Zack Quaintance is a tech reporter by day and freelance writer by night/weekend. He Tweets compulsively about storytelling and comics as Comics Bookcase.